Hello again, dear ones,
Transition. The pull toward change has been quite strong this year. Many of you are experiencing it, too; I know because you've shared with me. You've shared: pregnancy, birth, new schools, graduation, marriage, divorce, death, goals met, new goals set, promotions, new jobs, moves across the country, moves across the street, breaking up, breaking down, breaking out, letting go, diagnoses, prognoses, completing treatment, elections, raging wild fires, unusual weather patterns, and on it goes. Movement. Upheaval. Renewal. Transitions, all. It is time to turn the page, set a new horizon, break new ground, move mountains, ford streams, create a new habit, connect a new dot, try out those new walking shoes and step off the beaten path. Be compassionate, to yourself and others: the richness of these times is often evident only in hindsight. But the value is t/here; for these are the times of the most verdant soul growth. These are the times that shape the next step in your unique journey. These are the times that forge the next contour in this incredible human being that you are... and are always becoming. Some transitions may be joyous. And, sometimes they may feel dark, desperate, or desolate. No matter where you are at in the process, there are ways to seek and find peace, acceptance, and grace in your present moment.
Every single breath is a complete cycle of change; allow your breath to empower you to show up for what is now. Try this simple meditation:
Sit comfortably with an upright spine and both feet resting on the floor.
Allow your eyes to close... and your jaw to relax.
Take a 4-count breath in through your nose; allow the breath to fill chest and then belly. Imagine that breath is creating s-p-a-c-e in your body, your mind, and your heart.
Exhale a slow, 8-count breath out through the nose or mouth; allow the breath to empty belly, and then chest. As you do this, imagine that your body, mind, and heart are letting go, releasing, surrendering anything and everything that is no longer serving you.
Repeat this breath visualization cycle for at least 5 breaths, and for as long as you'd like.
When you feel complete, gently open your eyes.
And, dear yogis, I would love to see you. Come share space and energy with me on your mat. I have three new public classes to announce (see below). And, let's continue to embrace this transition, this life, in all the myriad of ways we are blessed.
I leave you with one of my favorite quotes from Eckhart Tolle:
"Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful
for the evolution of your consciousness."
Welcome to autumn,