Goose Rock, Deception Pass State Park | © Nicole Bratt 2018
“There’s the space that seems to be out there, like the sky and the ocean and the wind, and there’s the space that seems to be inside. We could let the whole thing mix up. We could let the whole thing just dissolve into each other and into one big space. Practice is about allowing a lot of space. It’s about learning how to connect with that spaciousness that’s inside, and the spaciousness that’s outside. It’s about learning to relax, soften, and open — to connect with the sense that there’s actually a lot of room.” ~ Pema Chödron
As our much-anticipated plans of summer arrive and manifest, may we hold the intention to pause. To pause as a practice of spaciousness, of savoring, and of presence. Pausing allows us to remember that life's moments are transient, and offers us an opportunity to hold keen awareness of the physical, emotional, mental, and energetic qualities of our now experience. These bright, long days of summer feel abundant on the waxing approach to Solstice, and let us relish the fullness of being alive and human. What is your favorite practice of pausing during the busy summer? I'd love to hear from you!
I have but a few announcements this month for you, dear yogis... and this quote below of which I've been quite fond lately.
With love & spaciousness,