@ Nicole Bratt 2019
“People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle. But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth. Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don't even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black, curious eyes of a child—our own two eyes. All is a miracle.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh
Dear friends,
Do you remember that you are a miracle?
You are the manifestation of your ancestors' dreams. Ridiculously tiny mathematical odds led to exactly your person being exactly here and now, where you sit, breathe, and read these words.
I recently read that for you to be born from the past 12 generations you needed a total of 4,094 ancestors over the past 400 years. The probability of you existing at all comes out to nearly zero!
Take a moment to let that sink in.
Why do I bring this up? Because each of us alive today stands on the ragged edge of evolution, descended from a long line of change agents. It is a miraculous gift that we are here, now!
Perhaps you are seeing this nation in a sudden, divisive identity crisis for the first time. However, the United States of America has been in crisis for centuries. The American Dream has always only been available to some.
The United States, too, is poised at the edge of evolution.
Let us resist hanging the entire cloak of our fury and fear on one, small man. He is not unique other than his particular position of power. He is an expression of America's disease; the canary in the coal mine of our culture. Let us recognize that the depths of disappointment reveal the depths of our devotion to a more just world. Let us turn the energy of anger into potent action.
Regardless of the outcome of this particular Presidential election, the history, inequity, and pain facing this nation will not go away until there is a full and honest reckoning with this country's past and present AND we reach a tipping point of transformation on all levels – personal, institutional, systemic, cultural. This is a ambitious goal – and is absolutely possible!
Who makes up this nation? We, the people.
Our ancestors moved the needle.
Now it's our turn.
Millions upon millions of our fellow human beings have awakened to the fact that we are all connected. That change ignites first from within. That we are each other's keepers. That we are more alike than different. That we can create sustainable relationships with each other and the planet. That we not only can, but must master the art of listening – and non-violent communication. That diversity and inclusion make us stronger. That this is messy work. That we must do better.
More of us are waking up every day.
Do not lose hope.
(R)evolution is already always here. Perhaps not at the speed with which we want, but it is happening. Be tender with your impatience; it is a tell of the depth of your love.
We are imperfect warriors for compassion, healing, and a better tomorrow. We are not alone and we are not few. Look for the helpers.* Keep showing up; we will persevere.
Can you see it? On the horizon? The exquisite possibilities of a nation that will someday live into the ideals it claims to stand for. The ideals of equality, justice, and happiness – for ALL people. A culture that celebrates diversity, acts from compassion, embraces abundance, and learns from its mistakes. A world of tending to the wellbeing of all living species. It will be a miracle, yes.
And once we've evolved to that beautiful place, how else might we evolve?!
In this time of heightened emotionality, of waiting – may you find your way within. Move your body. Get still. Rest! Listen. Envision the light you wish to be in this world, right now. Seek clarity of purpose and discernment. Start there. And then take focused, intentional action – no matter how small the first step.
Our future generations are counting on us.
With much love,