Not all problems can be solved by thinking
/©Nicole BRATT
Dear friends,
I often use the Waking Up app and recently, during one of the guided meditations, Sam Harris (the creator) said something along the lines of not all problems can be solved by thinking.
It made me take pause.
Not all problems can be solved by thinking.
This struck me as deep truth.
Some of the most empowered and beneficial choices in my life have been made by listening to and following what I call “my heart-truth” – that is by feeling into my wisdom, rather than hyper-thinking, analyzing, or rationalizing.
The challenge here is that our world often overvalues thinking-mind and undervalues heart-centered truth.
Where is the balance?
I don’t have that answer for you. But I do know that for me, my yoga practices help to guide me to find equilibrium of mind, body, and soul. They help me calm and quiet my chaotic monkey mind to find some space for clarity. Clearing my mind of the cacophony of thoughts is incredibly useful. The sages knew this, and I find it rather comforting to know that thousands of years ago, they were writing the Sutras and other ancient texts explaining how to quiet the mind so that we could access our truest and wisest nature.
Beneath the hazy (and often distorting) veils of the busy mind lies my wiser, quieter self – my knowing. Knowing something is different than thinking about it. Once I know, then my focused thoughts can become helpful. And yoga creates the conditions for me to know – largely by slowing me down and creating some space for breath.
It’s spring. We’ve already had a few days of really beautiful weather here in Seattle. And every year at this time, my yoga practice expands to include more outdoor time. More time spent wandering around this city, the beaches, or the woods, witnessing and admiring what I like to call “the Unfurling Season”. I hope you enjoy these few photos from my wanderings.
On June 3, I’m co-hosting a special Full Moon Restorative Yoga with Healing Touch event with my lovely colleague and massage therapist Michele Trump. I’m not hosting many special events these days, so I hope to see you there! You can save 10% with discount code NICOLEVIP
While I know it’s the best thing for my schedule, I admit that I’m sad to announce that my last Evening Chill class (at Datza) will be held on Wed, May 17. Letting classes go is always a difficult decision. However, I have to practice what I preach, dear ones: as school begins to ramp up, I have to find ways to create more space for that. Balance is an endless dance. I do still intend to continue to teach both of my Sunday Restorative classes for the indefinite future.
Much love,