I'm growing! (And my online reservation system is live!)
Dear friends,
Today is my birthday – 49 years and counting – woohoo!
I extend a special acknowledgement to my parents, sisters, partner, family, friends, teachers, and students: each of you keeps me learning, stretching, and growing in this, my one precious life! THANK YOU! I am honored to be orbiting the sun with all of you.
And speaking of growing… my yoga teaching life has flourished this past year, alongside my studies. My private client practice grew so much last fall that I had to pause taking new clients for awhile, so I could get more savvy and efficient with the admin side of things. :)
So, I’m pretty excited to announce that I’ve transitioned over to a new scheduling software that will allow you (or someone you know) to book private sessions with me, manage your appointment(s), and even purchase gift certificates – all online, at any time!
As a reminder, I offer both in-person sessions and online sessions. So those of you who don’t live in Seattle can still practice with me!
With love,
PS. Yes, I am still teaching two public Restorative group classes each week on Sundays!
Learn more
• 8 Limbs Wedgwood @ 5:00 pm
• Datza Eastlake @ 7:30 pm