Daffodils & an Eagle Cam for the Winter Doldrums
Welcome to Monday, friends,
During this late winter stretch of gray, cold, and very wet that is so stereotypically PNW, I have to double down on my winter “medicines”… yoga, regular gym workouts, lots of soup, vitamin D, my happy light, friend time, fur-baby snuggles, consistent bedtime, and generally doing less.
We’ve had a couple days that whispered of spring, but it’s not here quite yet. It is quite lovely that the happy hellebore and daffodils are up, and the earliest cherry blossoms have begun to appear.
Thanks to my SF teacher-friend, Brenna, I recently discovered the Big Bear Bald Eagle Cam – which is offering two fascinating live feeds (a close up and a wide view), plus a slew of fun selected short snippets from the live cam footage.
So, if you are feeling the winter doldrums like me, perhaps you, too, will find some delight in checking out this bird’s eye view (ha!) of these two eagles in their enormous nest, incubating their 3 eggs, complete with audio. Pretty soon, there should be chicks!! (Pro-tip: On a windy day, you’ll want to turn your volume down!)
Yours in bird nerding,
In order to see birds it is necessary to become a part of the silence.
~ Robert Lynd
Restorative Yoga Teacher Training (Level 1) has been rescheduled!
Due to low enrollment,
our 8 Limbs training was rescheduled:
May 31–June 2 + June 29.
Update on Therapeutic Yoga with Me
My client roster is full through July, but you can read more anytime!
(pwd: wellness)